Sunday, July 31, 2011

1962 Post Cereal

Number of Cards

200 cards in the 1962 Post Cereal collection included 10 Cubs players.

Size of Cards

The size of the cards are standard-size 2 ½ x 3 ½

Basic Features

These cards were carefully cut from the backs of Post Cereal boxes. They feature a horizontal design and are sorted numerically by team. This idea was a huge success with children and gained popularity rapidly. Additionally, there was a Canadian collection on the reverse side of the cereal boxes, which was printed in both English and French.

Chicago Cubs 1962 Post Cereal Checklist

182 Ed Bouchee
183 Don Zimmer
184 Ron Santo
185 Andre Rodgers
186 Richie Ashburn
187 George Altman
188 Ernie Banks
189 Sam Taylor
190 Don Elston
191 Jerry Kindall

Friday, July 29, 2011

1959 Topps reverse side

Although card backs are rarely mentioned, the back can be highly fascinating. By offering facts that people might not be aware of, they complete a picture. A treasure trove of interesting, amusing, and practical information on baseball trivia. Children and adults both enjoyed the cartoons on the back. Some of them featured tests on baseball's history or regulations.

The back has the card number in the upper left corner, inside a baseball with the word "Topps." There is also a blurb about the player, drawn as a cartoon, and below that is the player's bio and statistics.

cards 199-286 can be found with either a white or gray back (GB).

Chicago Cubs 1959 Topps Checklist

Number Player
15 Dick Drott
29 Jim Bolger
46 Bill R. Henry
62 Tony Taylor
77 John Goryl
105 Lee Walls
113 Taylor Phillips
118 John Buzhardt RS RC
130 Lou Jackson RS RC
147 Cubs Clubbers
153 Jim Marshall
177 John Briggs RC
193 Sammy Taylor
214 Marcelino Solis RC
214A  Marcelino Solis GB
226 Art Ceccarelli
226A  Art Ceccarelli GB
234 Chuck Tanner
234A  Chuck Tanner GB
249 Bobby Adams
249A  Bobby Adams GB
274 Jerry Kindall
274A  Jerry Kindall GB
301 Earl Averill Jr. RC
304 Chicago Cubs CL
319 Dave Hillman
334 Glen Hobbie
350 Ernie Banks
362  Dolan Nichols RC  No Option 
362A  Dolan Nichols RC with Option 
367 Cal Neeman
388 Bob Will RC
407 Moe Drabowsky
414 Dale Long
429 Bobby Thomson
447 Bob Anderson
469 Ernie Banks MVP Award
474 Moe Thacker RC
488 Walt Moryn
502 Alvin Dark
512 George Altman RC
520 Don Elston
538 Chick King
548 Elmer Singleton
559 Ernie Banks AS