Sunday, November 6, 2011

2011 Topps 60 Relics Insert Cards Chicago Cubs

Topps 60 Relics Insert Cards 17 different cub cards in this set

There is one Variations in series two set and it is a Relics Diamond Anniversary /99

ChecklistAR- Aramis Ramirez
AR- Aramis Ramirez S2
AS- Alfonso Soriano S2
CM- Carlos Marmol
CM- Carlos Marmol S2
CZ- Carlos Zambrano
GS- Geovany Soto
GS- Geovany Soto S2
KF- Kosuke Fukudome
MB- Marlon Byrd S2
MBY - Marlon Byrd
RD- Ryan Dempster S2
RWE- Randy Wells S2
SC- Starlin Castro S2
SCA - Starlin Castro
TC- Tyler Colvin
TC- Tyler Colvin S2

There are many variations on these 17 cards which include the following:
Bat cards
Jersey cards solid [white, grey, blue]
Jersey cards stripe
I have counted up to 41 different variations

Parallel Insert Print Run: /99

AR Aramis Ramirez S2
AS Alfonso Soriano S2
CM Carlos Marmol S2
GS Geovany Soto S2
MB Marlon Byrd S2
RD Ryan Dempster S2
RW E Randy Wells S2
SC Starlin Castro S2
TC Tyler Colvin S2

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