Monday, February 14, 2011

1966 Topps

Number of Cards

The 1966 Topps set was made up of 598 cards with 28 Cubs and two variations.

Size of Cards

The size of the cards are 2 ½ x 3 ½

Basic Features

The fronts contain a standard color photograph with a diagonal stripe in the top left featuring the players' team. The bottom of the card contains a horizontal strip with the player's name and position.

The backs contain the now standard stats and bio, along with a cartoon highlighting the player's career.

Specialty cards include Multiplayer Cards (MP), Statistical Leaders (LL), and Multi-Player Rookie Cards.

Released in 7 series;
series 1 (1-88)
series 2 (89-176)
series 3 (177-264)
series 4 (265-352)
series 5 (353-429)
series 6 (430-506)
series 7 (507-598)

Short Prints

Some high series cards (523-598) are Short Printed (SP)

Chicago Cubs Checklist

Number Player
2 Ted Abernathy
24 Don Kessinger RC
43A Don Landrum/not showing
43B Don Landrum/part showing
43C Don Landrum/showing
63 Jim Stewart
82 Bob Hendley
110 Ernie Banks
139 Rookie Stars
146 George Altman
166 Chris Krug RC
185 Bob Buhl
204 Chicago Cubs TC
217 NL Home Run Leaders
232 Glenn Beckert
246 Ed Bailey
278 Cal Koonce
290 Ron Santo
306 Ty Cline
322 Bill Faul
342 Bob Humphreys
372 Harvey Kuenn
392 Rookie Stars
409 Billy Hoeft
423 Ernie Broglio
447 Dick Ellsworth UER
482 Rookie Stars
484 Wes Covington
559 Roberto Pena SP
580 Billy Williams SP

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