Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cubs Hall of Famers true rookie cards

Classification of early baseball card sets is based on the categories found in the American Card Catalog (ACC). Although the scope of the ACC includes a wide range of cards featuring non-baseball subjects, the following categories are limited to only those that include baseball card sets.

B "Blankets" and cloth-like cards
C Canadian tobacco (Imperial Tobacco, C46, is the only baseball set)
D Bakery sets.
E Early gum and candy cards; "E" cards fall primarily into two time periods: 1909-1915 (designated here as Group "E1") and 1920-1927 (Group "E2")
F "Food" cards. Includes cards used to promote a wide range of foods ranging from breakfast cereals to ice cream
H Clothing and sporting goods manufacturers and retailers
M Inserts and promotions for magazines and newspapers
N Nineteenth century cards
P Pins (includes PD "bakery button inserts;" PE "button inserts with early candy or gum;" PM "miscellaneous inserts" as defined in the Sports Collectors Bible; PR "button inserts with recent candy and gum;" and PX "other novelties of plastic, metal, etc.")
PC Postcards
R Candy, gum and some other cards of the 1930's and 1940's (beginning in 1928; generally, these are a continuation of the "E2" cards)
S Stamps and "silks"
T 20th century tobacco cards; a one digit number, such as T3, indicates an oversized premium or cabinet card. The baseball tobacco card era spanned a seven year period--from 1909 to 1915. One set from 1919 (Coupon Cigarettes T213-3) and several 1950s Redman tobacco sets (T232-T235) are also listed in the ACC as baseball "T" cards.
V Canadian candy and gum cards. Roughly, the Canadian equivalent of some of the American "E" and "R" cards
W Miscellaneous section (mostly, whatever doesn't fit above). "W" cards include anonymous issues, cards from games, strip cards, and a long series of sets produced by the Exhibit Supply Company of Chicago.
WG Game Cards

Pete Alexander--1918-1926 Rookie Card 1911 M101-2 Sporting News

Cap Anson--1876-1897 Rookie Card 1887-90 N172 Old Judge

Ernie Banks--1953-1971 Rookie Card 1954 Topps

Lou Brock 1961-1964--Rookie Card 1962 Topps

Mordecai Brown 1904-1912, 1916--Rookie Card 1904 W600 Sporting Life

Frank Chance 1898-1912--Rookie Card 1899-00 M101-1 Sporting News

John Clarkson 1884-1887--Rookie Card 1887-90 N172 Old Judge

Kiki Cuyler 1928-1935--Rookie Card 1924 M114 Baseball Magazine

Hugh Duffy 1888-1889--Rookie Card 1887-90 N172 Old Judge

Johnny Evers 1902-1913--Rookie Card 1903 W600 Sporting Life

Clark Griffith 1893-1900--Rookie Card 1887-90 N172 Old Judge

Gabby Hartnett 1922-1940--Rookie Card 1922 W573

Billy Herman 1931-1941--Rookie Card 1932 Chicago Team Issue

Fergie Jenkins 1966-1973, 1982-1983--Rookie Card 1966 Topps

King Kelly 1880-1886--Rookie Card 1879-80 N.Y. Clipper Woodcuts

Ryne Sandberg 1982-1997--Rookie Card 1980 TCMA Reading

Joe Tinker 1902-1912, 1916--Rookie Card 1903 W600 Sporting Life

Billy Williams 1959-1974--Rookie Card 1961 Topps #141

Hack Wilson 1926-1931--Rookie Card 1925 W504 Universal Toy

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1962 Topps

Number of Cards

598 cards in the 1962 Topps collection included 26 Cubs players and 4 variation.

Size of Cards

The size of the cards are standard-size 2 ½ x 3 ½

Basic Features

The 1962 Topps cards feature a unique wood-grain border. The entire set was reprinted and redistributed, ensuring that the photo inks were correctly balanced. During this reprinting process, all remaining images were slightly adjusted—some shifted to the left or right, while others were moved up or down—resulting in every card in the series being classified as an error card. In the final series (cards 523-598), there are 43 cards that were produced in smaller quantities, indicated as SP in the checklist below. Cards numbered 110 to 196 were initially printed and distributed with insufficient ink for the photographs, leading to the series being referred to as the "Green Tint" series, as the backgrounds of some cards display a green hue instead of the expected blue or brown. Additionally, all the images were somewhat blurry.

The subsets for the 1962 Topps baseball cards are as follows:
  • league leaders (51-60)
  • Babe Ruth series (135-144)
  • World Series highlights (232-237)
  • In Action shots (311-319)
  • All-Stars (466-475) The All-Star selections provided by Sport Magazine
  • Rookie Prospects (591-598)

The set's entire second series (the 87 cards numbered 110 through 196) comes in two different variations, the regular issue and the tougher "green tint" version and a blue-sky background version

Green Tint Second Series Cubs Players:

  • 119 Danny Murphy
  • 170 Ron Santo
  • 191 Jim Brewer

Key Rookies:

  • 387 Lou Brock
  • 461 Ken Hubbs

Other Rookies:

  • 66 Cuno Barragan
  • 89 Barney Schultz
  • 309 Moe Morhardt

Short Prints:

  • 546 Moe Thacker SP
  • 552 Chicago Cubs Team SP
  • 557 Bob Anderson SP
  • 585 Glen Hobbie SP

Error cards:

  • 66 Cuno Barragan UER: Name misspelled "Barragon"
  • 458a Bob Buhl- VAR: M on cap
  • 458b Bob Buhl - VAR: plain cap

1962 Topps Chicago Cubs Checklist

Number Player
25 Ernie Banks
47 Bob Will
66 Cuno Barragan RC
89 Barney Schultz RC
119 Danny Murphy
119A Danny Murphy/Green Tint
170 Ron Santo
170A Ron Santo/Green Tint
191 Jim Brewer
191A Jim Brewer/Green Tint
240 George Altman
264 Dick Ellsworth
274 Sammy Taylor
288 Billy Williams
309 Moe Morhardt RC
325 Luis Aparicio
359 Bobby Locke
372 Jack Curtis
387 Lou Brock RC
446 Don Elston
458 Bob Buhl M on Cap
458A Bob Buhl Plain Cap
461 Ken Hubbs RC
477 Andre Rodgers
495 Don Cardwell
546 Moe Thacker SP
552 Chicago Cubs TC SP
557 Bob Anderson SP
585 Glen Hobbie SP
597 Rookie Parade SP